Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Student Success Statement
Physical Fitness
“Physical fitness is not the only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”
John F. Kennedy

This quote means that not only physical fitness is the main thing to a healthy body but having the capacity to be able to be healthy and having skills. Being able to have skills and and be intelligent could also make your body a healthy one. For example, if your doing a sport and that is helping you have a healthy body, but also the skills that you have and the intelligence that you have that will help you win. That also helps you body be strong because you are using all you know to be able to be successful. To be able to have a healthy body and physical fit be able to use all you know wisely. For me to be able to improve my physical fitness i think i would have to stop giving up more easily and try harder because I know that I could do it, it will just take more practice.Another thing would be to be able to try more new things that I could learn to do that way i would develop more new skills. Seeking intelligence and skills would help you be a better and healthy person. It would improve you more just like it would probably help me. Its important to be able to have physical fitness with skills.
Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities: Their job is to research different medical topics to be able to find the latest information. They are in charge of arranging informational text and data for the different topics that there are. They must be able to find articles, books and journals that the person needs in order to be informed. They should be able to inform all people about the new medical topics and be able to arrange them to the right people.

Salary: $52,000-$68,750

Education: To be able to become a health science librarian you need to have a high school diploma in science, math and information in technology and management. Also, have a bachelor’s degree in science, then followed by a masters degree in library science. Getting licensed would be the next step and get trained to be able to work.

Demand in Profession: 145,710 of health science librarians were employed in either schools or government offices. The next group of people to come in this profession is about 42,910. Many are able to get jobs in this profession and many do research related to different topics in the health department.

Reflection: I would not be interested i this career because it seems very boring just being all day in a computer. It also takes a lot of time to be able to research a lot of medical topics.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Kindness is essence of greatness”
Joseph B. Wirthlin

This quote means that kindness could bring a lot of good things to you like greatness. Kindness is the key to a lot of good of good things. When you treat people with kindness they will treat you the same way back because you are being a nice person to them. Being kind is the essence of greatness because when you do something good and you’re being kind then people will think that you are a good person and would like to treat you the same way. For example, when you do an act of kindness like donate to someone food or cloths then that brings greatness into you because you are doing something that is good and making a difference. Also, when doing something that is kind then that will bring great things to you and you will be good to everyone because they know the kind of person you are. Just like Wirthlin said it would bring greatness because you will feel proud about doing something kind and it will motivate you to doing it even more. Be kind that way you could have more opportunities. This is the key to greatness and when that comes only more good things will happen. Kindness is the essence to greatness because good things are done.
Thanksgiving Week

I didn’t do much during thanksgiving week. It was boring and I would be home most of the time. I didn’t see my family because they were all mostly at work and they went out of the state. On thanksgiving day, my family and I spent it at my house, we had lots of food that was very good and we would give thanks and appreciate everything we had. It was fun to spend time with my family talk about old memories and about our relatives that had passed away. During the weekends i would go out with my parents to go shopping, but i didn’t really enjoy because there was long lines. Another thing I did was watch soccer games with my dad and my brother. I was fun watching the intense games although my mom was against it because she said it was distract us a lot. While being at home I watched movies one of them was The Fast and the Furious. This is one of my favorite movies because it has a lot of action. During the break I recieved a lot of homework, more than what I get during school. One of my assignments was to read a book called “Night” it was an okay book not one of my favorites, and after i had to write three essays, one on the book, one about love i think and the third about giving bad news. I also had to do a lab report on a lab we had done the last day before break. This break wasn’t the best, but it was better than being in school i mostly spent it doing homework instead of going out.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

                               Student Success Statement
                                             Don’t do it Don’t say it
                   “If it is not right do not do it, if it is not true do not say it”
                                                    Marcus Aurelius

This quote means that when you know something is not right it, it’s better for you to just not do it because that you know that, that could have a consequence. When something is not true then don’t lie and always tell the truth. For example, when you know it’s bad to be interrupting class by doing foolish things, then don’t do it. It’s better to for you to just behave and be able to control yourself. When you know something is wrong then just don’t do it that will cause no problems. Another example, would be to not lie when you know the truth, even if it is hard because you have to lie for a friend you would need to tell the truth. I know how it feels to tell a lie for my friends just to defend them but there could be consequences. Don’t say a lie if you don’t want to tell the truth then just don’t get involved in something that can get you in trouble. Always be honest and always do what is right. It will not cause no problems for you if you do what is right and you and say the truth. That will help you in also being a better person.
                                          Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

In 1621 the Plymouth colonist and the Native Americans had a harvest feast during the Autumn which was known as the first thanksgiving. For 2 decades thanksgiving wasn’t a holiday and only certain people would celebrate it. In 1863 president Lincoln was the one to proclaim it at a holiday. In  1817 New York was the first state to adapt to the new holiday. Although it all first started when the pilgrims came to America and the saw that they were people in this “discovered’ land by Christopher Columbus. They learned the ways the Native Americans would live and they also introduced new things to them that they had never seen before. When they had their dinner which is now every November they wanted it to be a tradition when they came over to this land. After time thanksgiving lost many of it original religious beliefs and now it is celebrated as a get together with family and friends and have a nice meal. Most people like to keep the tradition and eat turkey with other sides, but for those who can’t afford a thanksgiving dinner a food drive is held that way they could have a free meal and have a way to celebrate it.
Reflection: 12 things I am thankful for:

  1. God
  2. My parents always supporting me
  3. A family that takes care of me and cares
  4. Technology
  5. Friends
  6. School teaching me new things everyday
  7. Community
  8. Food
  9. Grandparents
  10. Teachers
  11. Having a place to live
  12. Freedom

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Student Success Statement
           Doing what is right, fair and honorable
         “Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing”
                                                        Chick Moorman

This quote means that it is better to choose the right then being able to win or lose. For example, you always feel good when you win something but that is mostly something for yourself. And what if you won unfairly, you would need to choose the right and be honest and tell the truth. Being fair is very important. Another example, would be when you loose you need to choose the right and accept that you lost because that is how life is. You lost fair and square so you need to be able to do was is right and deal with it, you may have not won but at least you tried. It’s important that you are able to be fair and choose the right when you win and lose. Either way always choosing what is right 24/7 is better than winning and losing because you are doing a good for you and others around you. Doing the right thing is better because you could get a price for just doing something good.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Move Forward

  • Speak up when you don't agree with something
  • Forget about it
  • Change the system
  • VOTE!!
  • Get involved in politics
  • Stop walking out
  • Write petitions
  • Knowing the most important problems
  • Speak up on what is important and what you care about
  • BY having our schools provide opportunities on this topic
  • Having school educate us on elections and government
  • Be optimistic
  • Move to Canada
  •  Forget and forgive
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Make better choices
  • Plan your choices
  • Be more confident
  • Accept the fact that he is president
  • Stop giving him the attention he wants
  • Voice your thoughts in a positive way
  • Help/ support each other
  • Encourage others to vote
  • help your community
  • Accept the outcomes
  • Make people feel safe
  • Equality for everyone
  • Not rely on social media for information
  • Respect people believes and opinion

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Honesty is the best policy”
Mark Twain

This quote means that is important to be honest. Being honest could be the best thing that anyone does because then they could be trusted. Mark Twain said that honesty is the best policy because being honest will bring good things and that will help you be trusted and be a good person. An example is that when you are being honest whether you lied or not. It’s like you always have to be telling the truth and it’s to be honest then to be caught saying a lie and not being trusted. When you are not being honest then that will just cause you to be doing all of the wrong things and that can also cause for you to not be able to trust you with anything. Honest is the best policy because that way people will be able to know that they can trust one another. It’s like when you are always being honest than you could also have a good name because people know that they could trust you. It could be the best policy because that way if you are always being honest then something good could happen to you because you are always being in a good path.
Veterans Day

What is veterans day?
Veterans day is a public holiday and anniversary of the end of World War 1. This holiday is to honor all the people that were part of this war and the ones that served for our country. This war was known as “the war to end all wars” and we get to celebrate what happened that day.
When is it?
Veterans day is on November 11, each year we remember to honor those people that risked their life in the war and fought for what was right.
What is the purpose of veterans day?
The purpose of this holiday to is honor the veterans that served the military to fight against the other country. To thank them for fighting and protecting our country and people.
Why is it important to show honor to the veterans?
Its important to show honor to the veterans because they are the ones who fought in this country. They gave their lives to try to defend their country and be able to just make it better and safe.
Ways to show honor and respect
  • Celebrating the holiday
  • Donate
  • Fly a flag
  • Visit past veterans,etc

It’s important to always celebrate this holiday because we should feel thankful for the people that served our country. Dedicate our time to learn more of what it was like and see what the people and veterans went through. I really appreciate what they did for this country and the differences they did. They really cared about us and fighting against other countries. I also feel proud of them because they didn’t want anything to go wrong and just be okay. They are very special for everything they did to protect everyone. They really cared for our country and risked their lives. I feel very thankful for everything that they did because some of them even had to leave their families behind.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Student Success Statement
These are the three magic keys to living your life with integrity:
  1. Having the courage to say no
  2. Have the courage to face the truth
  3. Do the right thing because it is right
W. Clement Stone

This statement means that in order to live your life with integrity you must first follow these three magic keys. You should be able to say no to the things that are bad. That way you could always be able to be doing the right thing. You should always be able to face the truth. If you tell a lie than that will only lead to another and another lie which is not good because then that will cause for you to have a bad name. Then be able to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Doing the right thing will always be something good because that will lead you to even more good things. Doing good and following these three magic keys will lead you to good things and a life with integrity which is something very positive. The three magic keys will bring so much good into life and will make you live a happy life also, it will make you always choose the right. Never do anything bad because the only thing that will bring to you is more bad things into your life. Its better that you always choose to do the right thing that way you will always be able to live a life with integrity.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Student Success Statement
Shall be wise
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed”

Proverbs 13:20

This quote means that for those that get along and are involved with the people that are wise, they should be the ones to end up being wise and successful. For those that are always getting involved with the wrong people only doing things that are not good, should not be rewarded with being wise they should be destroyed because they are not doing anything good. For example, at school you hang out with the students that are truly dedicated and wanting to learn and become successful, being around them would encourage you to want to do good. Since you will be surrounded by the people that are wise , you will to if they need your help or you their help. Everyone wants to be successful but some just want it to happen to them without even doing anything. Another example would be when you decide to hang out with people that will only encourage you to do bad things. Those that only do bad things should be destroyed and making them realize that if they want to be successful they would have to change and choose the right pathway. If them fools want to change they need to change for the right. Always be with the people that are wise at making good decisions and helping you lead into what is right.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

  Life Planning: 5 Minutes

       Life Planning 100+ Goals Journal
5-Minute Daily: Reading-Planning-Visualizing-Journaling

 Yes =  I worked in my Life Planning Journal 5 minutes

No = I did not spend 5 minutes in my Life Planning Journal
  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. yes
  4. yes
  5. yes
  6. yes
  7. yes
  8. yes
  9. yes
  10. yes
  11. yes
  12. yes
  13. yes


  1.  YES 
  2. YES
  3.  yes
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  6. yes
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  10. yes
  11.  yes
  12. yes
  13.  yes
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  15. yes
  16. yes
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  18. yes 
  19. yes
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  25. yes
  26. yes
  27. yes
  28. yes


  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. yes
  4. yes
  5. yes
  6. yes
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  14. yes
  15. yes
  16. yes
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  18. yes
  19. yes
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  22. yes
  23. yes
  24. yes
  25. yes
  26. yes
  27. yes
  28. yes
  29. yes
  30. yes
  31. yes

  1. YES
  2. Yes
  3. yes
  4. yes
  5. yes
  6. yes
  7. yes
  8. yes
  9. yes
  10. yes
  11. yes
  12. yes
  13. yes
  14. yes
  15. yes
  16. yes
  17. yes
  18. yes
  19. yes
  20. yes
  21. yes
  22. yes
  23. yes
  24. yes
  25. yes
  26. yes
  27. yes
  28. yes
  29. yes
  30. yes


1 Yes
2 Yes
3 yes
4 yes
5 yes
6 yes
7 yes
8 yes
9 yes
10 yes
11 yes
12 yes
13 yes
14 yes
15 yes
16 yes
17 Yes
18 yes
24 yes
25 yes
26 yes
28 yes
29 yes
30 yes

Student Success Statement
To do good
“The best recreation is to do good”
William Penn

This quote means that in order to do something new it’s better to do it and turn it into something good. When recreating something it’s better to do something good because that way you could feel good about it. Recreating something is really good because it’s like you’re starting something new. It could be like a new beginning and when you do it into something positive then that could make you happy. Although, recreating could sometimes be hard because you could be coming out of a difficult stage. Letting your new recreation be something good could be very healthy also since you’re doing something new. Just like William said that it’s important to do a recreation that is good because it is the right thing to do when it comes to changing a bit. The advantage of doing good will most likely bring something good to you. When you choose to have a bad recreation than that will not be no good for you and will only lead to more bad things. When having a bad recreation it will not do any good for you that’s why it’s important that if you want to have the best recreation that it’s better to have a good one.