Tuesday, September 27, 2016

                                                  LAUSD Student Services

Lausd offers many services for students with anything that involves you with your school. They help students with their school requirements and ways they could graduate. To get more students involved they make events at other schools to make more families and students get more involved in education. They also let students know when a good opportunity can come that way they could join and help them be more successful. LAUSD wants there students to be safe and get along with others so they make articles about bulllying and ways they could stay safe and be safe around others. They have calendars of fairs they have so that way students could go and see all the different things and learn things that could help them more in school. They try to prepare students for college so they let them know and show how it is in college and try to help them find ways to get there and be successful. They are given information like how to get scholarships and be able to pay college and be prepared which is very helpful information. LAUSD offers many more services that are very helpful to students and families.

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