Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation

  1. Things that I like about this class is  that we learn new skills and we start to develop more typing skills. This is very helpful to me because it helped me more since it was something i hadn’t done before. I also like that we get free time when we finish early. I like it because it get to do what I want and I could do work from other classes. Another thing I like is that we were able to create a portfolio were we get to write about our opinions we have on certain things.
  2. Things that I did not like about this class was that we did a lot of the same things like the quotes, they all seemed similar and there wasn’t really anything new to write besides what is right and wrong. Another thing I didn’t like was that we would have random checks because sometimes I would come unprepared. It would be my fault but when we wouldn’t do it, we always had it. But there was hardly anything I didn’t like
  3. Some recommendations for this class would be to do something a little more different like not always doing student success statements. Something more fun and have more free time at the end of class.
  4. The highlight for me in this class would be when I learned how to do my own blog. It was something different and interesting to do although i was confused at first because I didn’t know anything. This class showed me how to do a few things but it was difficult at first.
  5. I did do my best in this class because I really wanted to get a good grade. Especially since it was something new I was doing I thought I was going to do really bad. It did get difficult sometimes but it always taught me something different.
  6. Yes, I am reading my life planning goals journal because I believe it’s very important that I am able to accomplish the goals I set for myself. It’s good that I am encouraging myself to accomplish a new goal each day. Although it doesn’t always happen but it is always good to give it a try and doing something good for myself.
  7. I am committed in being a CTR person it is always important to do what is right. Even though it doesn’t always happen but I try to do good honest things that way I am able to feel good about myself and make the people around me happy.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Student Success Statement
“When you tell one lie it leads to another”
Paul Hatch

This quote means that it is never good to lie. Consequences come when you tell a lie because then people begin to no longer believe you and start to question if a lot of the things you said most of the time were true. When you first tell a lie, it could lead to other lies because you are just trying to tell the truth and if you feel like you tell the truth then something bad will happen. It will not always result like that because some people are able to understand and forgive the reason why you had to lie. Although, it does matter what kind of lie it was, but either way you should always tell the truth first because if you don’t then the person you lied to could end up finding out the truth. The truth will always be around and if you don’t want to feeling guilty then be sure to always tell the truth in any situation. For example, if you lost something that belonged to your friend and you lie to them saying that you forgot it or you left it at home. It will just cause you tobe lying more to that person and you can’t tell them the truth because maybe they won’t take it as bad. If you keep telling lie after lie then they won’t be able to trust you anymore . They won’t think that you are a trustworthy person and they won’t trust you as a person. That’s why it’s always important to tell the truth

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Sting of the Scorpion

Patrick Kearon was a little boy that didn't listen to his parents about wearing shoes and his consequence was that he got stung by a scorpion. This story can relate to what we learn because he didn't choose the right and he didn't listen to his parents because he was being lazy. We must always choose the right and listen to what we are told because they tell us things for a reason that can help us or affect us. Stories like these make us realize that it is  always important to do what is right because it can benefit us and save us. Many people decide to choose what is wrong like Patrick and it will cause bad things if you don't listen and do what is right.Just by choosing the wrong the consequence could be really bad and affect you very much. The lessons in life you learn from this is to make the right decisions because if you choose to do something wrong then something wrong will happen too.
Image result for scorpion

Student Success Statement
“Always do right”
Mark Twain

This quote means that no matter what you always have to do what is right. Always do things that will make you a good person and make it spread and want more people to do the right things like you do yourself. For example, if you tell a lie should tell the truth because lies only brings bad things. Always do what is right and tell the truth even though it could hurt. Another example, would be that if you see someone that needs help then do what is right and help them out because they would feel appreciated. It’s like doing a random act of kindness but your doing the right thing and showing other people and teach them to do the same. Always make sure to do what is right because it would bring bright things to you. If you choose to not pick what is right then it will bring consequences into your life. Just choosing what is wrong will not make you a good person even if you tried because you are not known for doing good things for you and others. Always choose what is right and because it is the right thing to do.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

World War II
  1. The dates for world war two were from September 1,1939 - September 2,1945. It was a war against many countries that fought. It also brought many movements into the different countries like it ended colonialism in Europe and brought the US to make more civil rights.

2.There were two sides that fought within the war, one of them was the Axis Powers which included Germany, Italy, and Japan. On the other hand the second group was the Allies which the US, Britain, France,Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India,China and Soviet Union fought. About 60,000 million people died in this war and it affected many people.

3. The different locations this occured on was in Europe, Pacific, Atlantic, South-East Asia, China ,Middle east, North Africa, etc. Many countries fought in this war for what they believed and try to keep their people safe. The war was in so many places and they left so many people dead. They killed millions of people and some of them had risked their lives.

4. To show honor and respect to the veterans that served in this war we can listen to people stories and what they expirenced. You could learn more of what they went through and you could remember them by listening to the music they did. Give them respect for what they did for the country and listen to them because what they did was brave.

5.  Some events that happened during the war was the Nazi and japan planned attacks on Soviet Union. Another thing was Germany invaded Poland and Japan invaded China wanting to take over their countries. There was an air war Britain vs Germany that Britain defeated them.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Student Success Statement
The 3 Questions:
  1. Can people trust me to do what’s right?
  2. Am I committed to doing my very best?
  3. Do I treat others the way I want to be treated?
“If the answer is to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail.”
Lou Holtz

This quote means that people are able to trust you, commit doing your best and treat others right then there can’t be ways that you can fail. It’s like you can’t fail because you’re doing what is right and people are able to rely on you and you are being a ctr person. For example, if you are really close friends with someone and you are doing what is right by treating them right, being able to trust you and always doing your best then the friendship will last a long time. It’s important to do all these three things because only positive things will happen. If your answer would be no to these questions then, no the best things will come to you because you are only doing negative things. If you are able to show that you could be what the three questions say then that is good. Not only are you doing something and proving something that is right , but you are also setting an example for other people. This could help you succeed if you say yes to these questions because it shows the kind of person you are. You are committing to doing what is right .
Challenges Teens Face Today

1. Now a day many teens are going through many struggles since they are going through puberty, school pressures and social and parental forces. Many teens go through bullying because they feel like they are different and have a hard time to fit in. Bullying could sometimes go to the extreme that some would comet suicide. Another issue is drugs and alcohol,which could get them into problems in school or at home or even the law. Cyber addiction is a very big issue because many kids are always on technology. Which grabs their attention and they don’t even know what is going on in the real world. There are many issues that many teens go everyday and they struggle on ways that they could solve it because they may sometimes they can’t talk to anybody.
2. I believe I am facing today would be cyber addiction because I like to always be on my phone and I don’t really get involved in anything. Another issue I am dealing with would be stress. I seem to stress out about anything and sometimes it comes to a point where I can’t control it and I give up. Stress is a big issue for me because I seem to begin to think negative things. I try to control it and by doing something I like and I try to go outside for like a walk.
3. Being a CTR person helps me overcome challenges because i try to have a positive mind set and and do things that i like and try not to be a closed person and take out on anyone. I try to do things that will make me feel good about myself.
4. I could help other teens by giving them advice on how to control it or try to get over it. Also, another thing would be to try be to them your story and find ways and things that they like so they could overcome it in a positive way.

Reflection: The greatest need that teens have have is trying to find positive people to surround themselves with and be able to find people they could trust and care for them. For people to always be their for them and count on them. They may sometimes not be able to find the help they need and they feel like the only way they could solve it it could be by harming themselves, that’s why they need help finding someone they could talk to.