Friday, March 17, 2017

St. Patrick’s day
St. Patrick was born on 385 in Roman Britannia, Scotland. He was known as the patron of ireland and he was also christian. The holiday was established on the day of his death and it still remains a mystery of how he died. He was also taken as a prisoner at the age of sixteen by the irish raiders. He wa held in captivity or six years and worked as a shepherd and worked outdoors.
The purpose of St Patrick’s day is to celebrate the Roman catholic feast day. Many people from ireland celebrate their religion and the arrival of it by St Patrick.  The color green is the color to use this day because people refer St Patrick to shamrocks and because the color green is associated with the catholics in ireland. It is to be told that St Patrick used this three leaved plant to represent and explain the Holy Trinity. The celebration is done by doing festivals and parades and using traditional irish music.