Thursday, October 6, 2016

Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities of a firefighter is to be able to save lives when they are people in trouble. They should be able to perform job functions like saving people and animals life. Their job is very risky and they should be able to stop fires and be able to make sure that everyone evacuates. Firefighters are to perform medical assistance when people are in trouble. They should be able to maintain their skill by doing practice drills and by be able to prevent things. Also, they wait for any emergency call that way they are always prepared.

Salary: $33,230- $55,384

Education: To become a firefighter they need to have a high school diploma, GED and beyond. They need a post secondary degree award and they need to go to fire training. They need to pass their written and physical test to become a firefighter. They also need an EMT certification because it that way it shows that they know how to save lives.

Demand in Profession: It is projected that by 2024 there is a growth of 5%. This means that there are firefighters needed. Yet it is growing as fast as average and its just shows how many are involved. The competition in this job is very strong since many want to become one and help others.

Reflection: I would not be interested in this job because its a very risky job. They have to go through a lot of training . Although, what i do like about this job is that people are saving other people’s lives and they are risking themselves that way someone else could be safe.

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