Thursday, October 27, 2016

School Homecoming

What is Homecoming?
Homecoming is a traditional event that high schools and colleges do. This tradition is an event when the school welcomes back former students and the existence of the school. Its usually done during a central game like football. Since its done following the game students are able to dance and get a chance to run for or pick a homecoming king and queen. It’s a special celebration done for students.

What is the History Behind Homecoming?
Homecoming started to become a thing in the early 1900. It started after the game of Kansas vs  Missouri. Which after the game was led to a dance where the tradition is to have the alumni. In the homecoming game there was included rallies, parades, dances,etc. This created a stronger pride at schools. This then started to become a tradition all over America.

Why do we Celebrate Homecomings at Schools?
We celebrate homecomings at schools become it has become a tradition. They do it to show their school spirit and and support all the athletic teams. The coaches speak and then it’s followed up by the school dance where they get to have fun and celebrate them and their own school spirit.

Activities at Homecomings
There are many activities done at homecomings. They do dances, pep-rallies, parades, they perform in many ways to sho0w how proud they are and represent their schools.The alumni performs and show everything they know and the athletic teams try to bring those wins.

Why is it Called a Homecoming Game?

It’s called a homecoming game because it’s usually done toward the end of a season of a athletic sport. It’s done and the end of September or October and to it like at the last game of the season.Also, they do it to celebrate former students and residents.

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