Friday, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day
Memorial day is special day when we get to remember the people that died while being in the military. This day is always celebrated on the last monday in the month of may which is in the late spring. Some ways we could show honor and respect on memorial day is by having public festivals and feast where everyone can get together and have a good time. Another thing that is done is that many people take flowers and put out pictures of the people who died.
Some interesting facts are:
  • It became a federal holiday until 1971
  • It was originally called Decoration day
  • Every person that died serving for the country gets put is a small American flag put on their grave
  • Over 2 dozens states claim to be the birthplace of memorial day
Somethings I would do to show honor and respect on memorial day is be grateful for everything that they have done for the country. Another thing I would do is fly a flag in my house to show honor. And lastly I would support the military families that have a family member in the military or someone who passed away.
My thoughts and feelings on memorial day is that I do feel bad for all the families who may have lost someone special to risk their lives. Yet I am happy that they get to remember them and be proud for what they did to defend all of the people in the country. My thoughts on it is that, this holiday should be more well known because don’t even know when it is and it is a very important day for the country. This is a very special day when many people get to be remembered for the benefits they did to our country that made us all better and stronger. They are a big influence and I think they deserve all the respect. They did so much for many of us and they we all need to be grateful for what they did. These people  should never be forgotten for all the good they did I think we should do more things in our community that way we could all get together and have a special moment as one big community.

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